Wednesday, November 5, 2008

delightful mystery novels for cat-fanciers

Nothing beats reading a good book on a rainy evening with a cat or more around you. CC and company absolutely look forward to these nights when I'd read out loud to them. Their author of choice is Lilian Jackson Braun, The Lady Who...wrote "The Cat Who..." series of mystery novels.

If you're a cat lover, you'll surely relate to the charming antics of Koko and Yum Yum, a pair of Siamese who have their human, Jim Qwilleran, a well-respected, middle-aged journalist and local town luminary, wrapped around their little fingers, I mean, paws.

I got hooked soon after I read my first TCW---"The Cat Who Could Read Backwards." Then through the years my collection of books grew and I still couldn't get enough of LJB's spirited, breezy style of writing. I definitely have a lot of books still missing from my collection!

Interested in starting your own collection? Check out Borders or Barnes & Noble.

Word is her 30th TCW, "The Cat Who Smelled Smoke," will be out in 2009. You know who will be raiding the bookstores!

The Cat Who...

Other books by Lilian Jackson Braun

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